학술대회 발표논문

  • Author iLED
  • Date 17-11-10 17:38
  • Views 882
  • Lim, C., Han, H., Lee, J., Cho, B. Jung, D., Chee, H., & Hong…

    Lim, C., Han, H., Lee, J., Cho, B. Jung, D., Chee, H., & Hong…

    페이지 정보

    작성자 iLED
    댓글 0건 조회 882회 작성일 17-11-10 17:38


    Lim, C., Han, H., Lee, J., Cho, B. Jung, D., Chee, H., & Hong, Young. (2017). A model of educational program for improving competency of pre-service teacher to implement smart education. In proceedings of 2017 AECT International Convention.