
  • Author 관리자 iLED
  • Date 15-11-30 10:29
  • Views 828
  • Lim, C., Song, H. D., & Lee, Y. (2012). Improving the usabili…

    Lim, C., Song, H. D., & Lee, Y. (2012). Improving the usabili…

    페이지 정보

    작성자 관리자 iLED
    댓글 0건 조회 828회 작성일 15-11-30 10:29


    Lim, C., Song, H. D., & Lee, Y. (2012). Improving the usability of the user interface for a digital textbook platform for elementary-school students. Educational Technology Research and Development, 60(1), 159-173.
    Lim, C., Song, H. D., & Lee, Y. (2012). Improving the usability of the user interface for a digital textbook platform for eleme